Extraordinary Blooms That Come Early, Stay Late Opening Act is a series of next-generation phlox hybrids that bloom 2-3 weeks sooner than other varieties–and continue flowering all summer! Shear back its spent flowers, and you can even expect some reblooming in early fall. Their upright habits are similar to Phlox paniculata but are typically not as tall, so they’re perfect for mid-border use. These special hybrids exhibit good resistance to powdery mildew. Oh, have we mentioned yet how attractive and fragrant they are?
These Phlox Tick Every Box
Our flower experts in Holland recognized the magnificence of this series and worked to assemble this marvelous mash-up of Opening Act varieties that we call the Breck’s Perfume Party Reblooming Phlox Collection. It contains three robust, low-maintenance performers that, as we’ve said, flower for months, spread and return each year, look gorgeous, smell every bit as good as they look, and attract oodles of butterflies and beneficial bees. We’re certain you’ll love them as much as we do!
Includes 1 each of Pink-a-Dot, Romance and Blush
Pyramidal flower heads on 20-22″ stems are filled with vibrant, strongly scented blooms that open early and keep at it for months. The rich lavender-pink, star-shaped, 1″ flowers are highlighted by small, white halos in the centres. Low-set phlox has a nearly dome-shaped habit. PP33101
Pink-a- Dot
Features conical clusters of fragrant, 1″ flowers of white, accented by dark pink, central stars. Blooms open on 22-26″ stems some 2-3 weeks earlier than other varieties. They also last longer than traditional phlox blooms, providing colour all the way into fall. Superb for cutting. PP31732
Beloved by butterflies and beneficial bees, this fragrant variety begins flowering 2-3 weeks sooner than other phlox, with intermittent reblooms continuing into fall. Its 18-20″ stems yield a multitude of light lavender-pink, 1″ blooms in pyramid-shaped clusters. Mildew and disease resistant. PP27462
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